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What Gives You the Confidence to Make the Jump?

Eboni Hall

Updated: Aug 15, 2021

We have ALL learned a lot through Covid I hope. God is STILL downloading things to me. I remember when God spoke to me about pivoting my career. It SCARED me. He told me to leave and I couldn’t believe it. I worked so hard to get to where I was. The good. The bad. The ugly. I appreciated it all. It’s what made me successful as a business owner and entrepreneur.

But I can admit, I was starting to get comfortable and things became convenient for me. I was losing passion as a co-owner and beauty technician. I realized that I had begun to grow complacent in some areas. I questioned at times, was this God’s best for me...

God showed me that I was capping my potential.

But... In order for me to make the decision to step down as an co-owner of my salon it would require obedience to God. Yes. Courage. Indefinitely. But I needed the confidence and assurance that I could do it. While these all work hand in hand, for some reason I didn’t think I had the confidence to pull it off.

Who will I be without this or that? What will

I have to show for the success I’ve acquired? What will people say? Does this make me a failure? How can God recycle and use what I felt like I’ve lost? I was a hot mess! I was second guessing everything.

I fought with God. I cried and prayed.

And with some therapy 😅, I made the jump

and realized how I gained and kept the confidence I needed...

What gives us confidence when we have to make a big jump or decision?

1. God gives us confidence

When we put our confidence in God, we gain the assurance we need. I think this is amazing. While we’re freaking out, kicking and screaming, God shows us through our bold steps we’ve made in the past, that he’s always with us. EACH and EVERY jump he’s been there. Praying and seeking Him will give us the confirmation we need, then we gain more


Romans 12:12 AMP

“constantly rejoicing in hope [because of our confidence in Christ], steadfast and patient in distress, devoted to prayer [continually seeking wisdom, guidance, and strength],”

2. Our stories gives us confidence

When we think about our story. What all

we’ve come through and fought through it allows us to appreciate our journey. Don’t minimize it or negate it. Welcome it. Share it. Our stories help us to look back and see how far we’ve come. Our stories help us and others to move forward to the next season. That alone gives us courage and our confidence shines through.

3. Our abilities and qualities gives us confidence

Give yourself a chance. Bet on yourself for once. That’s what I did. We are MORE than our mistakes and failures. We are more than what people think of us. We are more than the negative things we tell ourselves. We are given abilities and qualities that can be used on other platforms, with other people, at different places and other opportunities. Don’t box yourself. We have to stop limiting ourselves. You are fire! But you have to truly know that :)

4. People give us confidence

Am I the only one who thinks this? There have been times when I was minding my business and became instantly encouraged by a friend, family member or associate. How do we know if we are doing the right thing? Sometimes it’s the people in our lives. People are aligned with us at the right times by promotions, connections, partners, spouses, huge opportunities that accelerate us and help is grow into our best self. Receive and be open to the love, support, and wisdom from people. It can help your confidence a lot.

What gives you confidence to make a decision? I would like to know, like seriously... I’m sure there’s more to add that could be helpful.

With Love,

Eboni :)

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