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Put Yourself On Your Calendar

Eboni Hall

Updated: Aug 15, 2021

I coined this term years ago when I was doing hair in the salon. Even as a beauty professional I complained about everything I needed to do, never having enough time, being tired all the time. I realized I was preaching to my clients to put them first, but I wasn’t taking care of myself. It was awful!

I noticed while servicing women that came for their regular appointments, that we always talked about ALL the things we had to get done. As women, we have a lot on our plates but one thing about us is we execute! We get things done y’all. We are successful, powerful, intelligent, we multitask, we excel in many areas of our life.

But we get tired, overwhelmed, and unmotivated…

Whether it’s for our family, work, the church + community. There’s always things to be doing. Women would show up with me in the chair and show me their organized lists of things to-do. It was exhausting looking at it to be honest lol! My goal would be to redirect the conversation to them and what we love to do, allowing her to fully enjoy her beauty experience. But I knew that once she left the chair, and once I left the salon we ALL would have to go back in the our zones to getting things done.

It can be a lot. Even for superwomen 😅

We are human. Flawed. We only have 24 hours in a day and two hands. Imagine if we had 8 hands?!! Or more time?! Oh man… The stuff we could get done!!

But God gave us two hands, two feet for a reason. Yes, we have A LOT on our plates. BUT God gives us the grace to do it ALL.

What motivates us to get things done?!


Yep, just like everything else. And YOU decide how often.

I help guide women everyday to make time everyday for themselves. When we don’t do what is needed for us regularly, then we plan salon time, the big trips, girl time, and we almost feel like we didn’t have enough time… Is that just me!?

So look… This week make it a goal to find some time EVERYDAY just for YOU.

It could be JUST 30-45 min a day!

Take 30-45 mins to read a novel. Listen or dance to some music. Write. Paint. Make it a thing. Go to hobby lobby learn something new.

Start a tv series! Decorate a space in the house. Whatever it is, do it for YOU.

I find that when I plan time for myself everyday I can push through things a little easier. Ladies, let’s be gentle with ourselves. Cut yourself some slack. It may be tough to do at first, but it gets easier the more you do it.

If you need help in this area and it‘s hard to do by yourself, contact me. Let’s discover why, and how we can get you into an action plan of regular self-care. You deserve it!

Don’t wait.

I hope this helps. If you put your calendar together let me know what you think. I would love to know if helps you to stay motivated and encouraged to get your tasks done.

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